Product Highlights
- Maximized shelf-life
- Improved curing of fresh red meat cuts
- Marinated products are held in place
Bacon / Beef / Cheese / Convenience Foods / Cooked and Smoked / Deli Meat / Dry and Semi Dry / Lamb / Pork / Poultry / Processed Meats / Seafood / Vegetarian/VeganAsk an Expert
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Compatible Traysealers
All models within the A-series share the same capability of packaging solutions.
Product Overview
TraySkin® is a new attractive packaging solution offered by SEALPAC. A high-transparent barrier skin film contours the product like a second skin while minimizing purge in the package. It helps preserve color, flavor, integrity, and tenderness of the product. Marinated products are also held in place allowing for multiple product presentations including product extending above the tray edge.
An additional feature for vegetables, seasonings, in-pack promotions or recipe tips, is double sealing option. Once the product is skinned, the tray is hermetically sealed with our InsideCut sealing technique creating head room allowing for individual optional extras.
- Prevents drip-loss
- Efficient stacking during transport and at point of sale (POS)
- Highly appealing product presentation
- Trouble-free labelling