Günther Defrosting/Thawing Tumbler Drum Lid
Product Highlights
- Special drum lid with central-positioned connection
- Stand-alone throughflow heater for temperatures of up to 176 F
Seafood / Vegetarian/Vegan / Beef / Cheese / Lamb / Pet Food / Pork / Poultry / Processed Meats / Bacon / Cooked and Smoked / Deli Meat / Dry and Semi DryAsk an Expert
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Product Overview
Günther Thawing Technology (GTT) defrosts frozen products in tumbler containers.
- Conveyor pump for water
- Electronic temperatures monitoring
- Throughflow monitoring (in connection with heating machine)
- Heating element for salted brine or other fluids
- Suitable for container and/or storage container from Series Model GLA